Saturday 16 January 2016

second 2nd house of a birth chart | free vedic astrology lessons | ASTROLOGYY

Hiii in this video i am going to talk about.
the prominence of second house of a birth chart.
What is the karaka of second house???
What can we understand from the second house. Body part associated with it.
And, How different planets influence, when they are in second house.

The second house comes after the first house. Just in case, if you missed my video on first house, i pasted it in the description below for your ease. Pls go watch it and continue this video.
So, After obtaining a physical existence into this world, which is the first house, second house shows the resources for our survival.
Jupiter is the karaka of second house.
Second house is values,
Values we get, how we value ourselves. our family environment, our intake, the food we eat, Our speech, earnings, possessions.
The place where we stay and feel like home is indicated by the second house.
Second house is The values we learn frm our family.
The way we value ourselves, design our personality and make others value us.
The food we intake which helps in survival.
Second house is also childhood upbringing, what a person speak. And  earnings.
So, This can help us understand,
What a person values in his life.
if a person uses a nasty language or is very polite and gentle. Or if he is always lying.
What's the kind of food the person is mostly likely inclined to.
How the person's childhood has been.. If that was very happy and  sweet or dissatisfying.
The person's earnings, if he is good enough to earn for his family's survival or not.
Coming to the body parts, it shows our face, mouth, tongue, teeth and throat, which help us to talk, and eat our food.
So now let's see what we can understand from the position of planets in the second house:
And Just in case if u missed my videos on planets and retrograde planets, simply, go through the description section, I pasted the links for your ease.
Now,Let's start with sun.
Sun: is ego and slf expression is showing a person ego and identity tied to his values,family , earnings, possessions and food intake .
Moon: emotional stability connected with values,family , earnings, possessions and food intake
Mercury: communication and managing skills with speech, values, family, earnings.
Venus: love for sensual pleasures and family.
Mars: aggressiveness in speech and earnings. Going through some Violent moments in childhood.
Jupiter: religion, ethics, obedience, in connection with values, family,
Earnings and possessions.
Saturn: discipline, responsibility in ones values and childhood upbringing.

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