Saturday 16 January 2016


In this video am gng to talk about the fourth house of birth chart.
What is the prominence of fourth house and Karaka of fourth house.
What are the Body parts considered by fourth house.
And how different planets influence when they are in the fourth house.
If you want to knw the answers stay tuned. 
Before jumping into the discussion,
Let me introduce myself
I am astro hominis.
Welcome to my astrology YouTube channel.
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Okyy.. Let's get into today's point of discussion.
The fourth house of a birth chart.
The fourth house shows our personal private space.
Caring and nurturing nature.
Places associated with the fourth house include, home, or a place where we feel secured and peaceful.
Like a meditation hall. Places and things that particularly belong to an individual and provide comfort peace and security.
Like, home or personal room or a meditation hall.
If we look at the People associated with the fourth house,
The first person is mother and the people who care about you and nurture you.
The activities that a mother does for a child like cooking, serving food from time to time, above all taking caring of people. All of these come under the fourth house.
Vehicles are also associated with fourth house.
Venus is the karaka of the fourth house.
Cancer is the natural forth house. And shows emotions, relationship with mother, and sensitive nature.
Body parts under the fourth house are lungs, heart, and chest region.
The prominence of fourth house is the indication of fourth house to a person's emotional nature.
So now let's see how fifteenth planets influence when they are in the fourth house.
Just in case, if you missed my videos on planets retrograde planets and ZODIAC signs, go through the description section, I pasted all my video links below.
And now..
Let's begin with moon
Moon: moon rules the natural fourth house and moon in fourth house shows connection of a person's emotions caring nature with his sensitive caring and nurturing nature. Sun: shows connection of one's ego authority and self expression to his emotional and caring nature.
Venus: shows connection of love comforts peace and harmony to their emotional nature.
Mercury: shows connection of intelligence, information with a person's emotions.
Jupiter: shows connection of wisdom spirituality optimism to a person's emotions, comforts and hearty feelings.
Saturn: shows connection of fear, boundaries, discipline, hardworking to ones emotions
Always Remember, The effect of these planets depend on strength of the planet.  The first house and its lord, planets in first house, planets aspecting the first house, first lord also need to be considered.
For videos on planets, retrograde planets and ZODIAC signs, you simply go through the description section. I pasted all my video links for your ease.
Hope this helps you all.
And may you give me a five star rating!!
I will be looking forward for your responses
Thank you in advance.
If you want a PDF / text file of this video, leave your email id in the comments section
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