Tuesday 26 January 2016

mars in sixth 6th house in vedic astrology | ASTROLOGYY

Hiii friends!! I'm back with another video.
Today is Tuesday. And as per my schedule, it's about the influence of Mars in the sixth house.
If you missed my previous videos on planets through different houses, you can find them through the icard above or through the links in the description below.
And now, How's a planet in the sixth house, going to influence a person??
From the planet in the sixth house, we can see if a person has the ability to win over his enemies or not. Can he win in competitions?
The work satisfaction, relationship with colleagues, The kind of effort he include in his service, and the type of diseases of injuries one may suffer from.
The areas of life that the native may suffer due to this placement.
Remember, these can happen during a certain period, which we call a Dasha.
To understand the influence of a planet in the sixth house.. You need to understand what the sixth house signifies and the planet moon in  astrology.
So let's start this with my introduction,   I am astrology video creator, ASTRO HOMINIS. Welcome to my YouTube channel.
What is sixth house?
Sixth house is a upachaya house.
Sixth house falls in artha trikona.
Sixth house is associated with diseases, injuries, hurdles, debts, service, servants and enemies.
And What is Mars?
Mars is a natural malefic planet.
Mars is masculine in nature.
Mars rules the 1st and eighth ZODIAC signs Aries and Scorpio.
Mars is associated with fire, heat, anger, aggression, impulsive nature,
Energy,passion, ambition, courage, will power, physical activities.
Mars Governs Sudden events, violent events, destruction, disputes,wars, injuries, surgeries, sharp and dangerous objects like weapons.
Mars is also associated with properties and real estate, after all, Mars is said to be the son of earth.
mars is the karaka of brothers.
And Mars rules blood.
Mars aspects the fourth, seventh, and eighth houses from it's position in a birth chart.
So, how's that going to be, when a person has Mars in the sixth house?
Mars in the sixth house can give success in competitions, and help to win over enemies.
In ancient times, it used to be enemies. But nowadays, it's competitions or litigations or quarrels.
Mars is anger, aggression and physical involvement and being in the sixth house, this can show that a person's work may be in those fields of work where the person needs to be more physically active and there's a lot of aggression and anger attached to it, like police or army. 
And Mars is also associated with intelligence and technical knowledge, so the person may be working with technology and logic.
Mars is heat, and being in the sixth house, this can show a person who may suffer from burns or injuries on face.
Mars in the sixth house gives the courage, intelligence and ability to attack the enemies or opponent to win over them. These are very much required for a Sportsman or a lawyer nowadays. Because they always need to be intelligent enough and to counter attack their opponents.
So, Mars in the sixth house can show a person who can be into sports, or a lawyer or any other profession that involves risks.
whatever the field is, Mars here can help a person in succeeding in the competitions,whether it's a sport or an election. At the same time, this can also disturb the relationship with colleagues
Mars from the sixth house aspects the ninth house, influencing the relationship with father and teachers.
Aspects the twelfth house, effecting the hidden enemies
And the first house, influencing the person physically.
And this depends on the dignity of Mars in the sixth house.
Not only Mars but, it's dispositor also has to be considered before analysing the end result.
Let's strt with Mars in Aries.
And friends, before proceeding further, let me remind you all.. That, if you want a detailed explanation ON a planetory placement from your chart, you can get that simply by becoming my patron. Check the description section for my patron link. And, If you have any questions please feel free to comment below.
Now, Mars in Aries, here, Mars is sixth and first house lord. This can show that a person can win over his enemies or opponents. The person's work can involve physical involvement and taking risks.
Mars in Taurus , is fifth and twelfth house lord. This can disturb the relationship with children, and father.
The person's work can disturb his schedule and sleep. The person can be forcing their subordinates to get their work done.
Mars in Gemini, is fourth and eleventh house lord. This can show a person who can be very communicative and win over his opponents through debates like a lawyer.
This may disturb the relationship with mother and father.
Mars in cancer, is third and tenth house lord. This can disturb relationship with father. But Mars here can help the person to win over enemies. The person can be very cunning. The person can be into quarrels or litigations.
Mars in Leo, is second and ninth house lord. This can show a person who fights for the rights of people..
He can have a strong belief system and good ethics.
This Can also show disturbance in relationship with father. The person's father can be a government employee or a police officer.
The person himself can be a lawyer or a police.
Mars in Virgo, is first and eighth house lord. This can show disturbance in relationship with father.
The person can be very disciplined and hardworking individual.
The person can be a software engineer, or a doctor.
Mars in Libra, is seventh and twelfth house lord. This can show that the person's spouse can be very creative and artistic. The person may be into litigations or quarrels to maintain peace and harmony. The person can be a lawyer.
Mars in Scorpio, is sixth and eleventh house lord. This can show that the person can be very disciplined and logical.
This can help a person in knowing the secrets of enemies and win over them in competitions.
The person can be into healing. Or police or a spy or even a lawyer!!
Mars in Sagittarius, is fifth and tenth house lord. This can show that the person can be very creative or intelligent in his profession. The person's career and service depend on how he exprees himself. This can show a person inclining to become a lawyer. Or a protector. Like police.
Mars in Capricorn, fourth and ninth house lord. This can show a person whose mother is a very hardworking, disciplined person. The person was brought up in a very disciplined way.!!
The person can be into a government service or the person can be a lawyer also.
Mars in Aquarius, is third and eighth house lord.
This can disturb the relationship with younger siblings and father.
This can show a person who can be a army officer dealing with secrets, or a healer. The person can incline into professions like detectives or they can be a surgeon.
Mars in pisces, is second and seventh house lord.
This can disturbance in early childhood.
The person might be abused in his childhood.
And This can show a spouse who can be a healer. 
And the person himself can be a healer. This can also show disturbance in relationship with spouse.
And here comes the best of fire earth air and water signs to have a Mars in sixth house.
I would say
Sagittarius in fire signs,
Capricorn in earth signs
Gemini is air signs
And pisces in water signs.
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Thank you.. Take care .. Bubye....

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