Friday 5 February 2016

venus shukra graha in english in seventh house in vedic astrology | ASTROLOGYY

Hiii friends!! I'm back with another video.
Today is Friday. And as per my schedule, it's about the influence of Venus in the seventh house.
If you missed my previous videos on planets through different houses, you can find them through the icard above or through the links in the description below.
And now, How's a planet in the seventh house, going to influence a person??
Planets in the seventh house influence the way we interact with others.
the qualities we look for in other people... our spouse or legal partners.
how they are going to be.
our desires related to partnerships.., say business or a marriage.
planets in the seventh house influence the career of a person and his marriage life.
and the planet of the day is Venus..
so let's see how's that going to be when Venus is in the seventh house?
for this, we need to understand the two important entities..
seventh house and planet Venus.
let's start this after my introduction,   I am astrology video creator, ASTRO HOMINIS. Welcome to my YouTube channel.
what is seventh house?
seventh house is associated with spouse, business, market, other people,
open enemies, and partnerships.
And what is Venus in astrology?
Venus is a natural benefic planet.
Venus is feminine in nature.  
Venus rules the second and the seventh ZODIAC signs Taurus and Libra.
Venus is exalted in Pisces.
Venus is associated with beauty, love, relationships, sensual pleasures, materialism, creativity, grace, charm, wealth, comforts, peace and harmony.
Venus is the karaka of luxuries, relationships and additionally, wife in a male's chart.
Venus aspects the seventh house from it's position in a birth chart.
So, how's the going to be when a person has Venus in the sixth house of a birth chart. 
Venus in Taurus, Libra or pisces here can give rise to malavya mahapurush yoga, which can bless a person with name fame and wealth. And there can be different cases where this yoga can fail, so for more information on this yoga. Watch my video on panchmahapurush yogas. You can find the video through icard above.
Coming back to Venus in the seventh house,
to say in general, Venus is a natural beneficial planet. So this can show a person having good relationship with spouse.
Venus is associated with love and being in the seventh house, this can indicate a love marriage.
venus in the seventh house can indicate a beautiful spouse.
venus is associated with harmony, so this can indicate a good harmony in relationship.
venus here can also show a person who loves to be in a relationship.
venus is associated with peace and harmony so this can show a person who prefers to make peace with others. they prefer to avoid conflicts and be as diplomatic as possible.
venus here can also indicate a person who can be a judge. because venus is the lord of natural seventh zodiac.

to analyse the results with venus in the 7th house, you must look at the dignity of venus and it's dispositor .

so, let's look at venus in the seventh house through different zodiac signs.

let's start with venus in aries.
venus here is the lord of first and eighth houses.
this can show some disturbances in marriage.
the person can be aggressive in their relationships, and as the aggression and impulsive behavior grows, their peace and harmony in their relationship disappears.
venus here can show a person's in-laws can be interfering in their and this can disturb your peace in your relationship.

venus in taurus is lord of seventh and twelfth houses.
venus here can give rise to malavya mahapurusha yoga.
venus here can show a person who can have a good personality.
the person can be very much fond of beauty luxuries and relationships.
venus here can also indicate a person going to foreign places with their spouse.
the spouse can be very creative and imaginative.
this placement can also indicate a person who uses his imagination and creativity in interacting with others.

venus in gemini is lord of sixth and eleventh houses.
this can show that the spouse of the person can be very friendly.
this can indicate that the person can be married to their colleague, or to a person from their friend circle. venus here can show some obstacle in marriage or some delay.
venus here can indicate a person into business with a large network.
the person can show a person dealing with the cases of woman and fight for their justice.

venus in cancer, is lord of fifth and tenth houses.
this can show a person using his creativity and artistic ability in his interaction with others, and this can be a part of their profession. the person can be an actor, with this placement.
this can indicate a person looking forward to get married to their lover.
venus here can indicate a spouse who can be very sensitive and emotional.
this placement can also indicate a spouse who can bring a status and authority to the person.
at the same time, this can also indicate some disturbance in relationship.

venus in leo, is lord of fourth and ninth houses.
venus here can show a spouse who can be very energetic and attention seeking individual.
this can also show a person looking for an emotional satisfaction through their relationships.
this placement can also indicate a spouse coming from a different religion or different culture.
this can also indicate that the spouse can be an actor.

venus in virgo, is lord of third and eighth houses.
this can indicate disturbances in relationships. the person's younger siblings or the in-laws can be a reason behind this.
the person's spouse can be very criticizing in nature and this can disturb the harmony in their relationship.
this can also indicate a spouse who is very disciplined and well organized.

venus in libra, is lord of second and seventh houses.
this can also give rise to malavya yoga.
the spouse can be very attractive and can be artistic.
this can indicate a spouse helping the person in their business and earnings.
this placement can also indicate a person earning through business and dealing with money can be a part of teir interaction with others.

venus in scorpio, is lord of first and sixth houses.
this can show a person who can be very possessive in relationships.
this placement can indicate a person's everyday activities can involve interacting with women and dealing their issues, they can be a healer or a lawyer.
venus here can show that there can be obstacles or delay in marriage.

venus in sagittarius, is lord of fifth and twelfth houses.
this can show a person whose creativity and imagination can be a part of his interaction with others.
the person can be an actor or a writer.
this placement can indicate a spouse who can be from a different state or country.
this can also indicate that the person can have a love a marriage.

venus in capricorn is lord of fourth and eleventh houses.
this can show a spouse who can be very matured.
this can show some disturbance in relationship.
venus here can indicate a spouse who may not be very emotionally involved in the relationship unless they feel emotionally secured in it.

venus in aquarius, is lord of third and tenth houses.
this can show a friendly spouse.
this can indicate good communication in their relationship.
this placement can also indicate a person inclining into business.
or using their communication skills in their interaction with others.
venus here can indicate a writer.
this can show that the person's spouse can help them in increasing their status in their society.

venus in pisces is lord of second and ninth houses.
venus here can form a malavya yoga.
this can show that the person's spouse can help them with their finances.
the person can be into a business for earning money.
venus here can also indicate a person's fortunes can get better after their marriage.
this can indicate that the spouse can be from another state or a different culture.
venus here can indicate a very artistic and creative spouse.

and here comes the best of fire earth air and water signs to have a venus in the 7th house.
i would say...
sagittarius in fire signs,
taurus in earth signs,
libra in air signs and
pisces in water signs.

friends let me know in te comments below, on what you think is the best of signs to have a venus in the seventh house.
and if you have any doubts fell free to comment below.
i believe you all liked this video, so hit the like button and if you are new to my channel i would you to subscribe immediately and stay notified for my videos on astrology.
i will be back with a video on saturn in the seventh house..
until the, take care  bubye..

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