Wednesday 17 February 2016

mars ( mangal grah ) in ninth house from lagna in vedic astrology | ASTR...

hiii everyone!!As I told u all in my previous video.. Today am going to talk about the influence of Mars in the ninth house.

And watch this video completely, because at the end of the video I have a brief idea on Mars in the ninth house through each of the 12 ZODIAC signs.

And if you missed my previous videos in the series of planets through different houses.. You can find them through the i card above or through the links in the description section below.

So, Let's begin the show!!
let's see how to understand Mars in the ninth house today. if you want to understand this, or any other planetary placement from your chart, all you need to do is to go to the basics, because that's where everything is simple and easy to understand.
you may find it difficult at watch the video and keep going with your own understanding. you can definitely do it.
today i am going to talk about the Mars in 9th house.
now, let's simplify this placement, so you need to understand what is ninth house of a birth chart and planet Mars according to astrology. and the next step will be understanding the zodiac signs which i will cover later after covering planets through houses.

just in case, if you are new here,

i am astrology video creator, astro hominis. A very warm welcome to my youtube channel, where you can find information on planetary placements, and special topics in astrology, with everything arranged in their respective playlists, for your ease.

and now, What is ninth house of a birth chart?
ninth house is a trikona house.
trikona houses are said to be auspicious houses of a chart.
ninth house is associated with the belief system of a person.
ninth house is associated with teacher, father, guide, guidance, philosophy, long distance journeys, higher knowledge, adventure, religion.
And it's also called as the house of fortunes.

and what is planet Mars?
Mars is a natural malefic planet.
Mars is masculine in nature.
Mars rules the 1st and eighth ZODIAC signs Aries and Scorpio.
Mars is associated with fire, heat, anger, aggression, impulsive nature,
Energy,passion, ambition, courage, will power, physical activities.
Mars Governs Sudden events, violent events, destruction, disputes,wars, injuries, surgeries, sharp and dangerous objects like weapons.
Mars is also associated with properties and real estate, after all, Mars is said to be the son of earth.
mars is the karaka of brothers.
And Mars rules blood.
Mars aspects the 4th, 7th, and 8th houses from it's position in a birth chart.

Let's see the influence of Mars in the ninth house.
Mars is associated with will power and courage.
So, when Mars is in the ninth house, this can show that the person can have a strong belief system and have the courage to express without any fear and hesitation.
Mars is power and energy and being in the ninth house of religion, Mars can bless the person with the energy to fight for their religion or principles of beliefs.
Mars is about taking action, so Mars in the ninth house can show a person who has for a strong will to follow their beliefs or religion.
Mars is aggression and impulsive nature, so this can show that the person can be very impulsive in matters of belief. They can be jumping into a conclusion and fast in judging others which may go wrong at times.
This placement can give a strong drive to fight for their rights, and justice.
Mars is associated with wars and being in the ninth house, this can indicate power struggle with father. This placement can indicate a father who can be very dominating and
Authoritative on the native.
Mars here can also indicate that the person can be very adventurous and love adventure sports.

Mars from the ninth house aspects the twelfth, third and forth houses.

Mars from the ninth house influence the twelfth house of foreign travel, spirituality and isolation.
So this can indicate that the person may go to a foreign country.
Mars aspecting the third house influence the person's courage, will power and mental efforts.
So this can indicate that the person's father can hurt the person's ego and try to suppress it.
Mars influencing the fourth house indicate disturbance in peace of mind and force the person to go away from home, and disturb relationship with mother.

Well, one more thing you have to remember when analyzing a planetary placement is, the end result depend on the dignity of both Mars and it's dispositor.

So, let's look at Mars in the ninth house through different ZODIAC signs, but only after a small break.
Friends, this is to tell you all that if you have any doubts in astrology you can comment below. And if this is the first time you visited my channel. I would like you to subscribe immediately and stay notified for more videos on astrology.

Getting back to Mars in the ninth house, the dignity of a planet depends on the sign it is in. So let's look at Mars in the ninth house through different ZODIAC signs.

If Mars is in Aries, is in it's own house.
Mars here, is the lord of 9th and 4th houses. This can show that the person can have a very strong belief system.
They can stand for what they believe in. This person never takes a back step when it comes to stand for their beliefs or religion.
This can indicate that the person's father can be very aggressive person and suppressed them.
This placement can indicate that the person can be very courageous, and determined. They can be an independent and adventurous person.

If Mars in the ninth house is in Taurus, Mars here, is lord of 3rd and 8th houses. This can indicate that the person can be very stubborn with his views. The person can stand very strong on their beliefs and at times they can be adamant.
Mars here can indicate disturbance in relationship with father. The person has to be careful during journeys.
There can be disturbances in relationship with father is teachers especially when they try to force their will on this person.
This person always look forward to bring changes in religion or spiritual beliefs.

If Mars is in the ninth house in your birth chart in Gemini. Mars here is lord of 2nd and 7th houses. This can show that the person can be an entrepreneur.
The person's spouse can be very intelligent and talkative.
The person's spouse can try to force change your beliefs and this leads of a struggle and disturbance in relationship.
So, when you have a spouse with Mars in the ninth house never ever try to change their beliefs forcefully.
This can only lead to disturbances in married life. Explain them the pros and cons, and try to convince them in a gentle way.

If Mars is in cancer, Mars here, is lord of 1st and 6th houses. This can show
That the person may not get a proper guidance from their teachers or father.
And this resulted in the person to fail in channeling their aggression and energy in a proper way. They have to think twice and know about the situation completely before jumping into a conclusion and judging it.
Mars here can indicate that the person has to be careful in long journeys and matters related to law and religion. They must check that their actions aren't illegal, and foolish.

If Mars in the 9th house falls in Leo, mars here, is lord of 5th and 12th houses. This indicates that the person's father can be a very authoritative figure. This placement can indicate that the person may choose to get higher knowledge of technical education,
Like engineering.
This can also indicate that the person can move to a new place for his higher education.
Mars here also indicate that the Lorain readily doesn't agree with their teacher or guide.

Now, What if Mars is in the ninth house in Virgo? Mars here is lord of 4th and 11th houses. This can indicate that the person can move away from their family during the right Dasha.
The person may not go to another country but to another region. Like moving from east to the west side of a country. Ninth house is long distance traveling but it's about moving in the same country.
Mars here can show disturbance in relationship with father. The person looses his peace of mind due to his difference of opinion with his father.
This can also indicate disturbance in relationship with mother.

If Mars is in the ninth house in Libra, Mars here is lord of 3rd and 10th houses. This can indicate disturbances in relationship with father and teachers.
The person can be speaking and motivating others. Because mars is now the third house lord.
Mars here indicate that the person can go to a different place for his work. Or his work can require him to do long distance journeys.
This can indicate a driver. Or the person can be a leader.

If this Mars is in Scorpio , Mars here is lord of 2nd and 9th houses. This can indicate that the person can be earning by teaching or guiding others.
This placement can indicate a coach. The person can be guiding their students in a sport. Mars here can indicate that The person will stand strong in their beliefs and they can be adamant at times.
Mars here also forms a dhan yoga being the second lord in the ninth house.

If the Mars is in ninth house, in Sagittarius. Mars here is lord of 1st and 8th houses. This can indicate disturbance in relationship with fathers and teachers.
The person cannot accept it when they try to force their will on the person.
Mars here indicate that the person is very philosophical and adventures.
The person can be inclining into traveling to new places and exploring new cultures. The person can be very motivated and determined.
Mars here also indicate that the person would prefer to go on long distance journeys without planning them earlier. They are almost instinctive.
Mars here can also indicate that the person can be writing or a guiding others through their knowledge of healing or occult.

If Mars is in Capricorn in 9th house, Mars here is lord of 7th and 12th houses. This can show that the person's spouse can help the person in their business. Mars here indicates that the person can go away to foreign lands.
This placement can also indicate that the person's spouse can be very motivating and intelligent. Because mars being the seventh lord is in third from the seventh, and exalted. Mars here can also indicate a person who is going to foreign lands with their spouse.

If Mars is in ninth house in Aquarius, Mars here, is lord of 6th and 11th houses. This can show that the person's everyday activities can involve teaching or guiding others.
The person can have a very scientific thinking.
Mars here can indicate that the person can be sharing his knowledge of healing.
This placement can also indicate that the person's friends can be very open minded and adventurous.
This can also show that if the person has any elder siblings, they can be trying to dominate this person, and this leads to loss of peace of mind.

If Mars is in pisces, Mars here is lord of 5th and 10th houses. This
Can indicate that the person can person can be very deeply connected to their beliefs or religion.
This can indicate that the person's work can take them on long distance journeys. This Can also indicate that
The person can be in a very creative field of profession.
Mars here can indicate disturbance in relationship with father and children.
This can also indicate that the person's profession require him to lead a group like a commander or a team leader.

And now, it's time to know the best of fire earth air and water signs to have a Mars in the ninth house.
I would say...
Aries in fire signs,
Capricorn in earth signs,
Libra in air signs,
Scorpio in water signs.

and now, it's your turn.
Let me know what you think can be the best of signs to have mars in 9th house, through the comments below. And I believe you liked this video. So, hit the like button and subscribe to my channel immediately for more interesting and exciting videos on astrology.
because, I am all geared up to share my knowledge and help you all discover your true potential through this, and also I am going to present a chart analysis and a special video on parivartana yoga in astrology with an example chart soon, so stay notified.

previous to this video:
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STEP 3: EFFECTS OF moon IN ninth 9th house
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That's all for today..
I will be back with a video on Mercury in ninth house through different ZODIAC signs.

Until then, keep watching my videos, Thank you , take care.. Bubye

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