Thursday 4 February 2016

jupiter guru grah in seventh house vedic astrology | ASTROLOGYY

Hiii friends!! I'm back with another video.
Today is Thursday. And as per my schedule, it's about the influence of Jupiter in the seventh house.
If you missed my previous videos on planets through different houses, you can find them through the icard above or through the links in the description below.
And now, How's a planet in the seventh house, going to influence a person??
Planets in the seventh house influence the way we interact with others.
the qualities we look for in other people... our spouse or legal partners.
how they are going to be.
our desires related to partnerships.., say business or a marriage.
planets in the seventh house influence the career of a person and his marriage life.
and the planet of the day is Jupiter..
so let's see how's that going to be when Jupiter is in the seventh house?
for this, we need to understand the two important entities..
seventh house and planet Jupiter.
let's start this after my introduction,   I am astrology video creator, ASTRO HOMINIS. Welcome to my YouTube channel.
what is seventh house?
seventh house is associated with spouse, business, market, other people,
open enemies, and partnerships.
And what Is Jupiter in astrology?
Jupiter is a natural benefic planet., masculine in nature.  
Jupiter rules the ninth and the twelfth ZODIAC signs Sagittarius and pisces.
JUPITER is exalted in cancer.
Jupiter is associated with beliefs, hope, opportunity, knowledge, wisdom, teaching, guidance, expansion, excessiveness, optimism, law, philosophy, fortunes, wealth, long distance traveling, luck, and spirituality.
Jupiter is the karaka of children, wealth, and also husband in the chart of a female.
Jupiter aspects fifth, seventh and ninth houses from it's position in a birth chart. 
So, how's that going to be, when a person has Jupiter in the seventh house? 
Jupiter in cancer, Sagittarius or pisces can give rise to hamsa yoga which is one of the panchmahapurush yogas that can bless a person with name fame and money. And yes, there can be cancellation also,in which case, the results may not be very effective.  so for more information on hamsa yoga, watch my video on panchmahapurush yogas.
You can find the video through the icard above or the through the links in the description below.
Jupiter is a natural benefic. So to say in general, Jupiter in the seventh house can show a good relationship with spouse.
Jupiter in the seventh house can show that the spouse can be very wise and learned. It can show good gains from business.
Jupiter is associated with religion and spirituality and being in the seventh house, this can show a religious spouse. This can indicate s marriage or a business involve lot of principles.  The partner or spouse can be an optimistic person. Jupiter here can show that the marriage can be traditional and bounded by the rules of the society, so most probably this can indicate an arrange marriage, and The spouse can be from the same religion.
Jupiter in the seventh house can show a good friend circle. And the person's spouse can help the person in increasing their network.
This can also show a spouse who can maintain a good relationship with the person's siblings.
Juputer here is also a sign of prosperity through marriage or a partner.
Jupiter from the seventh house aspects the third house influencing relationship with younger siblings, and efforts, influence the first house of character and personality and also influence the eleventh house of friend circle and gains.
For the end result, always consider the dignity of Jupiter and it's dispositor.
So let's look at Jupiter in the seventh house through different ZODIAC signs.
And if you want a video on your planetary placement you can get that simply by becoming my patron. Check for the links in the description below and if you have any doubts, fell free to comment below.
Now let's start with Jupiter in Aries in the 7th house.
Jupiter here, is the lord of 3rd and 6th houses. This can show disturbances in relationship with spouse.
The person's everyday activities can involve a lot of dealing with court cases or the public.
Jupiter here is also the lord of third house, so this can show a person who can be a lawyer or a person in business. So the person can be doing his business involving a large group of people or they can be a lawyer fighting for others.
This can indicate that the spouse can be very aggressive and impulsive.
This can show some disturbance in relationship with spouse.
Jupiter in Taurus, is lord of 2nd and 5th houses. This can show that the person can be into a business
the person can take the help of spouse to earn money.
they can be very practical. jupiter here can indicate that the spouse can be very critical about the finances.
jupiter here can indicate that the person can be have good knowledge on business.
this can show person using his speech and knowledge interacting with others and guiding them
this can show a counselor or an adviser.

jupiter in gemini, lord of 1st and 4th houses.
this can show a person whose mother is very good at business and managing.
this can indicate that the person's mother can have a profound influence on the person.
this can show a spouse who can guide the person very well.
the person can be dominated by the spouse. this can also show that the person can feel secured when they are in a partnership.

jupiter in cancer , is lord of 3rd and 12th houses.
jupite here can give rise to hamsa maha purusha yoga.
this can show a spouse who is very spiritual and caring and nurturing.
jupiter here can indicate a spouse coming from another place, another state or another country.
this placement can also indicate that the person can have a very good communication with their spouse
and they can be in a business with siblings or trade with foreigners.

jupiter in leo, is lord of 2nd and 11th houses.
this can show a person who can be getting help from spouse in earning money.
the person can be into a business with their friends or the spouse can be from their network circle.
jupiter here can indicate a person who is very aggressive in his speech and aggressive with his finances.
this can show their interaction with others is related to speech and wealth, it's about building a large network circle and related to savings and gains.

jupiter in virgo, is lord of 1st and 10th houses.
this can show a person who is very practical and critical in his business.
the person's work can require them to interact with others.
this can also indicate a person can be dominated by their wife and the spouse can be very critical.

jupiter in libra, is lord on 9th and 12th houses.
this can show a person who can be using his knowledge and spirituality in dealing with others.
jupiter here can indicate that the person's spouse can be a healer.
the person's spouse can bring the knowledge of spirituality or the person's spouse can be from different religion.
this can also show a person who is into trading with foreigners.

jupiter in scorpio, is lord of 8th and 11th houses.
this can show a person who interact with others related to their resources and gains.
jupiter here can indicate a person who can be into a business with in-laws or
the person can be in a business with his friends.
this placement can also indicate that the spouse can be from their network circle.

jupiter in sagittarius is lord of 7th and 10th houses.
this can show a person who is very good at business., or they come across people who help them in their business.
this can indicate that their profession can involve guiding the public or other people in court cases or business.
jupiter here, can indicate a spouse who can be very wise and have a good will power.

jupiter in capricorn, is lord of 6th and 9th houses.
this can show a person whose everyday activities can involve dealing with others, solving their conflicts using his knowledge and guide them.
this placement can show a lawyer.
this can also indicate disturbance in relationship with spouse.
definitely not a desirable placement to have a jupiter.
this can also show disturbances in relationship because of the father or their individual beliefs.

jupiter in aquarius, is lord of 5th and 8th houses.
this can show a person who is into business with in-laws.
the person can be using his knowledge and creativity in guiding others.
this can indicate that the person can be using his passion and education in his business.
the person's spouse can be dealing with money.

jupiter in pisces is lord of 4th and 7th houses.
this can show a person whose mother is very spiritual and taught him with philosophical values.
the person feels emotionally secured when they are interacting with others or when they are into a business or a relationship.
jupiter here can indicate a spouse who will help the person in their profession.
jupiter here can also indicate a good friend circle.

and here comes the best of fire earth air and water signs to have a jupiter in the 7th house.
i would say...
sagittarius in fire signs,
taurus in earth signs,
libra in air signs
pisces in water signs

that's all for today... and if you have any doubts, you can comment below.
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and stay notified for more videos on astrology.
stay tunedd... because am going to come with a video on venus in the 7th house soon...
thank you take care. bubye..

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