Tuesday 2 February 2016

mars in seventh house vedic astrology | astrologyy

Hiii friends!! I'm back with another video.
Today is Tuesday. And as per my schedule, it's about the influence of Mars in the seventh house.
If you missed my previous videos on planets through different houses, you can find them through the icard above or through the links in the description below.
And now, How's a planet in the seventh house, going to influence a person??
Planets in the seventh house influence the way we interact with others.
the qualities we look for in other people... our spouse or legal partners.
how they are going to be.
our desires related to partnerships.., say business or a marriage.
planets in the seventh house influence the career of a person and his marriage life.
and the planet of the day is Mars..
so let's see how's that going to be when Mars is in the seventh house?
for this, we need to understand the two important entities..
seventh house and planet Mars.
what is seventh house?
seventh house is associated with spouse, business, market, other people,
open enemies, and partnerships.
And What is Mars?
Mars is a natural malefic planet.
Mars is masculine in nature.
Mars rules the 1st and eighth ZODIAC signs Aries and Scorpio.
Mars is associated with fire, heat, anger, aggression, impulsive nature,
Energy,passion, ambition, courage, will power, physical activities.
Mars Governs Sudden events, violent events, destruction, disputes,wars, injuries, surgeries, sharp and dangerous objects like weapons.
Mars is also associated with properties and real estate, after all, Mars is said to be the son of earth.
mars is the karaka of brothers.
And Mars rules blood.
Mars aspects the fourth, seventh, and eighth houses from it's position in a birth chart.
let's continue this after my introduction,   I am astrology video creator, ASTRO HOMINIS. Welcome to my YouTube channel.
So, how's that going to be, when a person has Mars in the seventh house?
Mars is a natural malefic planet. To say in general, this can show disturbance in relationship with spouse or business partner.
Mars is fiery, powerful, and ready to fight attitude. So, the disturbances can be mainly because of the power factor. The person can be trying to impose his opinions or his will on their spouse, and this can turn against them, and as a result, there can be disturbances in relationship. Or the spouse can be trying to prove their power the person, which they cannot accept easily., and add a result there can be disturbances in relationship.
the person can be very aggressive and impulsive in his business.
Mars in the seventh house can show a spouse who is aggressive and passionate.
From the seventh house, Mars aspects the tenth house, first house and second house.
By this , we can understand that by the dignity of Mars in the seventh house, the tenth house of career and happiness from partnerships in influenced. The first house of self and character is influenced. And the second house of family and earnings is influenced.
So, a Mars in good dignity can brighten and energize the other areas of life and of course there will be argala which can be beneficial and supportive or obstructing in nature. I will make a video on argalas separately so that you can understand it better. It can completely change the way you look at the things.
Now, let's look at Mars in seventh house
Through different ZODIAC signs.
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Let's start with Mars in Aries in seventh house. Mars here, is the lord of second and seventh houses. Mars here, can give rise to ruchaka yoga. And for more information on ruchaka yoga you can watch my video on panchmahapurush yogas.  This can show a person earning through his association with others or public. The person can give working with the government or in a public sector organization. Mars here can show a spouse with will power and determination. This can also show that the person's spouse can add value to his public image.

Mars in Taurus, is first and sixth house lord. This can show a person who tries to prove their power on their spouse. This can show disturbance in relationship with spouse or business partner. The spouse can be their relative or a colleague.
This can also show that the marriage or partnership can bring sudden changes in earnings and family environment.
This can also show that a person's everyday activities can be associated with court cases or public.

Mars in Gemini is fifth and twelfth house lord. This can show some disturbance in relationship with spouse. The person can be creative in his business. The person can be very aggressive in business or in relationships. The person can be using his power and authority on others. This can show that The person's spouse can be from another state.

Mars in cancer, is fourth and eleventh house lord. This Can show that the emotional security of the person can be disturbed because of his relationships or business. The person can incline into friends who can lead him in a wrong way.
The person's relationships or business can disturb his image in the society, and this can also lead to disturbances in the family and earnings of the person.

mars in leo, is third and tenth house lord. this can show that the person's spouse can be dynamic and energetic.
this can also show a courageous person and impulsive person in business.
the person can be very creative in interacting with others or in his business.
the partner can help the person to gain a good position in the society.
this can show an aggressive businessman or a gambler.

mars in virgo, is second and ninth house lord.
this can show that the person can be earning through his interaction with others, through a business or by commanding other people to make them disciplined and organized.
this can show a person who share his knowledge on finances or medicine with masses. the person can see change in fortunes after their marriage.
the person can be very competitive and disciplined. the person's spouse can be from another religion or a different culture.

mars in libra, is first and eighth house lord.
this can show a person who can be dominated by the spouse.
there can be some disturbances in relationship with partners, or in marriage and the inlaws can be a reason behind this. their inlaws can be interfering into their marriage and trying to force their will, which the person may not like and as a result there will be disturbances as a result.

mars in scorpio, is seventh and twelfth house lord.
here, mars can form ruchaka yoga.
this can show a person who is aggressive but they won't show this out as mars is in scorpio here.
they have this feeling internally. the person can be very passionate in their relationships.
they can be very competitive in business. the person's spouse can be very dominating.
this can show a spouse who can incline into healing, the person's spouse can be a surgeon. the person themselves can join into a non profit organization with their spouse and incline into serving others or do a business. this can also show a person going to a foreign land with their spouse.

mars in sagittarius, is sixth and eleventh house lord.
this can show disturbance in relationship with spouse. this can show a person whose everyday activity involve commanding others, or they can be dealing with court cases fighting for justice, like a lawyer.
the person can be have a good friend circle and they can help the person in getting a recognition in the society or in the work place.
this can show a person who can get married to their colleague.

mars in capricorn, is lord of fifth and tenth houses.
here, mars can form ruchaka yoga.
this can show a person who is very determined in his profession. the person's spouse can help the person to gain authority and recognition in the society.
this can show a person can be very creative and intelligent in his profession.
the person can get help from their authorities and their subordinates in their professional success.

mars in aquarius, is lord fourth and ninth houses.
this can show disturbance in relationship with spouse.
The person's spouse can be very scientific.
this can show a spouse from different religion or a different culture.

mars in pisces, is lord of third and eighth houses.
this can show disturbance in relationship with spouse.
there can be miscommunication or the person's siblings can be a reason behind the disturbance.
the spouse can be very imaginative and creative.
the disturbance can also be because of the inlaws , because of their involvement in your marriage life against your will.
remember, these can happen during a certain period, which we call a Dasha.

and here comes the best of fire earth air and water signs to have a mars in the seventh house...
aries in fire signs.,
capricorn in earth signs..,
aquarius in air signs.,
and scorpio in water signs,

That's all for today... i will be back with a video on mercury in the seventh house as soon as possible. 
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Thank you.. Take care .. Bubye..

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